Then somebody planned a goofy 13 mile race with a goofy theme and all my friends were doing it.
I haven't really been a distance runner yet. I have done 3-5 miles but nothing more. so of course I can't miss the 13 mile Hostess Half Marathon.
I ran it - had a blast until about mile 7 where my knee started having issues.
that's only halfway into the race!
so I ran the rest of it and walked about a mile and then sprinted across the finish - cuz I am smart and my knee can take it since I am invincible! right?
My knee hurt so freaking bad! I told Steve Hooper that owns St. George Running center about my issues and he said:
"so you trained exactly how you tell your client NOT to train? (yup) "let me guess, your friends were running the race, you weren't ready for it, but decided not to let the party pass you up?"
yup - pretty much sums it up.
Then he thunked me on the forehead.
(by the way - ideal long distance running training - you work up bit by bit to the distance you plan on running. I USUALLY follow the plan of about .5 to 1 mile added per week to get joints and muscles trained up to the new activity you throw at them - yeah... I know... I am mad at me too!)
Ideally - you let an injury like that rest before you run again or push it in a Zumba class.
Ideally - you aren't running with your clients and teaching Zumba. So my injury never got a chance to heal. I decided to try and take it easy for a bit and was taking some supplements and shakes and stuff to help with healing.
I felt pretty good a couple of weeks ago and it looked hopeful.
2 weeks ago on a Saturday, I went Longboarding with my kids. at a park. I thought I was freakin awesome and went to show my son a little trick he could try. I ran over a pebble - lost my balance, landed on my knee pretty hard and twisted. But I jumped up since I was fell in front of a crowd of senior citizens telling me what a bad mother I was since I didn't have a helmet on. Had to try and look good in front of them and pretend it was nothing. oh yeah - I am REALLY cool now!
and that picture would be my back side while on the longboard.
The next day, I couldn't move my knee. for the next week I could hardly move my knee.
It was Spring Break and one of my ZUMBA trainers quit so I had to cover her class and 2 other instructors were on vacation so I covered their classes too - SO...
IDEALLY - you let an injured knee rest. Ideally you aren't teaching everyone else's classes when you get another injury on the same freakin knee.
I have been trying to take it easy for the past 2 weeks. It is TOUGH to hold back.
Monday I went for a SHORT run. just .3 miles at a time for 3 rounds. felt fine. Last night I taught a Zumba class ALMOST full out - held back a little (for me) - my knee felt fine.
This morning did another .9 miles identical to Monday. I felt a little knee ache coming on as I rounded the final few yards. Bugger....
Today I taught Gold Zumba which allows me to relax my knee quite a bit. Tonight it's Pilates. We will see how we do with any knee stuff. Sometimes I feel it worse when I stretch a straight leg or go down onto my knee.
Tonight is Zumba - I am not teaching but I need to be there. I think I will ride the stationary bike while they do Zumba.
Must Heal. I have a race coming up in September. Can't miss the Red Rock Relay! Now that is a FUN party!
It is so hard to let our bodies heal! I feel your pain. I think I pulled a muscle on the outside of my left knee last night at Zumba class. It didn't feel good half way through the class and still hurt a little this morning. Ugh!
ReplyDeletemy advice... LET IT HEAL!!!!!!!!!!!! (not like me)